Rozet (029)

Köşe Yazarı

80 Altın

Herhangi bir gönderide toplam 100'den fazla ziyaret alın

1 Step

  • Herhangi bir gönderide 100 kez ziyaret alın


400 Altın

Successfully completed 100% of all the quests

1 Step

  • Unlock all quest 1 time


60 Points

Helped us beta test new awesome features


60 Altın

Helped the team enforce the community rules

1 Step

  • 1 time


100 Points

Was promoted to moderator or admin of 5 groups

1 Step

  • Promoted to group mod/admin 5 times


40 Points

Has joined at least 10 different groups

1 Step

  • Join a group 10 times


80 Points

Joined at least 20 different groups

1 Step

  • Join a group 20 times

En Sevilen

60 Points

Has accepted at least 30 friend requests

1 Step

  • Accept a friendship request 30 times


40 Points

Deleted more than 20 activity stream posts

1 Step

  • Remove an activity stream message 20 times


100 Points

Received more than 500 daily visits on any post

1 Step

  • 1 time

Rozet (029)

Köşe Yazarı

80 Altın

Herhangi bir gönderide toplam 100'den fazla ziyaret alın

1 Step

  • Herhangi bir gönderide 100 kez ziyaret alın


400 Altın

Successfully completed 100% of all the quests

1 Step

  • Unlock all quest 1 time


60 Points

Helped us beta test new awesome features


60 Altın

Helped the team enforce the community rules

1 Step

  • 1 time


100 Points

Was promoted to moderator or admin of 5 groups

1 Step

  • Promoted to group mod/admin 5 times


40 Points

Has joined at least 10 different groups

1 Step

  • Join a group 10 times


80 Points

Joined at least 20 different groups

1 Step

  • Join a group 20 times

En Sevilen

60 Points

Has accepted at least 30 friend requests

1 Step

  • Accept a friendship request 30 times


40 Points

Deleted more than 20 activity stream posts

1 Step

  • Remove an activity stream message 20 times


100 Points

Received more than 500 daily visits on any post

1 Step

  • 1 time